DibussiTande; Worth imitating

DibussiTande was born in 1968 in the town of legendary hospitality Buea, Cameroon. He attained a “Licence” in Public law (1989) and a “Maitrise” in Political Science (1990) from the University of Yaounde. He also holds Masters Degrees in Political Science and Instructional Technology from Northeastern Illinois University and Northern Illinois University respectively.

Looking bright as the future

Looking bright as the future

Before moving to the United States in 1993, he wrote for a host of leading Cameroonian Newspapers. He was also an associate editor for Cameroon Today and Cameroon Life Magazine. He currently produces the leading Cameroonian blog, Scribbles from the Den, and writes for a variety of print and online journals. In fact, he is quoted in several blogging classes in schools around Cameroon. Young bloggers are always asked to plug inspiration from him so as to become gurus in the domain. His poems have been published in several anthologies.